April 2 2014

Sun Kil Moon ‘Benji’ out now

We’ve just released Sun Kil Moon’s ‘Benji’ locally. It is shaping up to be on of the most critically acclaimed records of 2014. Some reviews below.
Benji sounds more like Kozelek relating events instead of crafting them, which makes the continuity and reflexivity of the record feel both uncanny and the work of protracted genius.’ 9.2 Pitchfork- Best New Music
‘Benji is brutally sad, which may prove a deal-breaker for anyone who appreciated the comparatively light Among the Leaves, but it never feels gratuitous or exploitative. 9/10 UNCUT
‘Benji contains some of the most evocative songs about mortality and youth that have ever been written’. 9/10 Drowned In Sound